
Comply with GDPR. Now. And Throughout your Journey.

Ensure you remain compliant with GDPR through its relentless & demanding Lifecycle.

Arrka empowers you at each stage

Wherever you are  on your GDPR compliance journey

Yet to start?

Struggling to get started? The Arrka platform gets you going. Simply, easily and quickly.

Somewhere there?

Policies & Documentation completed. Actioning them off is a different story? The Arrka platform streamlines all activities & processes.

All done?

Yayy! Now to ensure you remain compliant. The Arrka platform empowers you to do that. Throughout your journey.

GDPR compliance simplified.

Quick Assessments

Gap Assessments, DPIAs, Third-Party Assessments, Client Assessments — all built-in.

Policies, Templates, Workflows, Contract Management on tap

Generate your privacy policies, maintain your ROPAs, enable PbD, set up & manage DSRRs, manage client & vendor contracts.

Personal Data Management

Identify your Personal Data (PD), Map PD flows to Third parties/ Clients, set up & manage your PD Inventory.

Central Privacy Portal

A portal for Data Subjects to manage their consent, notice, exercising of choice and DSRRs.

FAQs on GDPR compliance

We are not located in the EU. Is GDPR applicable to my organization?

– GDPR is applicable to your organization if:
o You interact with individuals who reside in the EU for your products & services
o You don’t necessarily ‘sell’ to residents in the EU but target and profile them online for your business
o You have employees who are based in the EU
– GDPR is also applicable to your organization if:
o Yours is a B2B business where your clients are organizations who operate in the EU and they share the personal data of EU residents with you.

We have a privacy policy and the required documentation in place for GDPR. Are we not already compliant? What more is needed?

– Your policy needs to be translated into reality.
o For eg, when you state in your policy that you use the Personal Data you collect only for a list of, say, 5 purposes, then you need to ensure that you put the right processes and controls in place to ensure that actually happens in reality. Further, you need to monitor these to ensure they actually work.
– Similarly, you may have a documented process for catering to an incoming Rights request from a Data Subject. This has to be operationalized so that when someone actually exercises their rights with you, you are geared up for it.
o For eg, someone may ask you to erase her data with you. For this, you need to know all the places where her data is located – within your organization as well as with any vendors or partners. You need to have a mechanism to authenticate the request – to ensure it is not a fraudulent request. You need to have people in your organization trained to track and respond to such requests. And several such other steps.
– All of this – and more – can be deployed and managed easily and effectively with Arrka’s solution.

We have no one in our organization who understands GDPR in depth nor does anyone have the time to spend on this. Yet we have to comply. How does Arrka help?

– We at Arrka have done all the hard work on your behalf – so you don’t need to spend time understanding what GDPR is all about. All of this is baked into the platform via our Frameworks and libraries.
– Further, we have a team of consultants who will handhold you through the whole process to get you going. And if you need help for day to day management of your GDPR program, then the Arrka team can take that on as well. In short, we work as your extended GDPR Compliance team.

We haven’t really got our Data Security together either. Can Arrka help with that?

– Yes, Arrka’s platform is designed to equip you to take care of both your privacy as well as security compliance and governance needs.

I would like to comply with ISO27001 as well in parallel. Can Arrka do that as well?

– Yes, Arrka can do both in tandem

We have users and customers across 10 different countries – each of whom have their own privacy laws. How does the Arrka solution work in this case?

– The Arrka platform is designed to help you do ‘simultaneous compliance’. Which means you can comply with all the applicable Data Privacy & Security Laws & Standards simultaneously, in one go. Further, you can add on any new law or standard anytime without having to go back to the starting point.

– This is great news. The Arrka platform perfectly synchronises with the work done by your legal counsel and operationalises all that the legal team does.

If we use the Arrka solution, will our customer or employee customer data reside on the Arrka platform?

– Not at all! Your data continues to remain exactly where it is. The Arrka platform only helps you manage the compliance end-to-end, for which we do not need access to the actual data at any point in time.

If we use the Arrka solution, will we need to deploy anything on our servers?

– No. Nothing is required to be installed or deployed on your servers

If we need to reach out and talk to a Privacy expert at any point in time, can Arrka help with that?

– Yes, Arrka has a pool of Privacy Experts who can step in to help you with any queries you have or any assistance you may need.

Have additional laws and standards to comply with?

We understand that your business is probably spread across multiple countries – so you may need to comply with more than one law or standard at the same time. Worry not; we can easily do that without missing a beat.